Saturday, December 31, 2011

Fancy Comment form for blog

Hey... it is a nice day today. Maybe some of you wondering where did I go yesterday. I have some work to do yesterday, that why I haven't made some updates in for my house(blog). But today I have something to tell all of you.
We always wanted to have a great looking comment area below our post isn't it?
So, today I will show  you how to make it comes true...

You can choose any type of comment form that you like and I will tell you the advantage of each style.

Type 1: Disqus

- Free sign up
-Seek out social comments and mentions from places such as Twitter, FriendFeed, Digg, and YouTube, then display them with your comments.
- Disqus Comments also lets your readers choose their identity, with Facebook Connect, OpenID, or Twitter Sign-in, when they leave a comment.
- Bring lively, real-time chatter onto your page with real-time posting and updating
- Every time someone leaves a comment, they can easily share the discussion happening on your site to friends and followers
- Features such as multi-site moderation, multiple moderators, bulk actions, and automated decisions
- features cutting-edge semantic technology that helps you automatically recognize offensive posts and keep the discussion civilized.
- can encourage verified commenter profiles — real comments from real people

Type 2: IntenseDebate

- You can reply  directly to a specific comment and receive alert for replies and new comments.
- Furthemore, you can also give respond and moderate comment via email service...
- Moreover, it enable your users to see with whom they are debating and give your readers an identity.
- the best comment will be shown at the front
- The auto filter comment by keyword, email and IP addresses, help you to prevent unwanted keywords, ban user who are using the specific email and IP addresses, from posting in your comment posts
- It is also allow you to assign admins to manage the same blog or website.
- The IntenseDebate allow your readers to post comments using services like OpenID, Facebook, and Twitter.
- If the readers doesn't have any user account, they can choose to sign up for an IntenseDebate  profile or simply comment without one as a Guest.

Hope you like it. Please leave me a respond below...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How to be a good blogger

Before I start talking about this post, I want to ask for apologize to all this blog reader and visitor as I  didn't post anything since 11 January 2011. I really want to post on something but I had a lot of things to do for a few months.

As we all know that Bloggers nowadays are very active visiting blog and blogwalking to promote their blog and website. This is not a problem but if we do it wrong, this can bring to problem. I bet that majority of bloggers are using chat box so that the blogwalker and also the visitor can write on something about the site or chat with the other blogger.

But there is a problem occur here. Plenty of bloggers nowadays like to visit on other people blog but not to read post. After they load other people's blog, firstly they will look whether the blog has chat box or not. If there is a chat box, they will leave a message so that the blogger owner or other blogger will visit their blog.

And if there is no chat box, they will just leave the blog and visit others blog. For me, this is not nice. If we are on other people's blog, why not we take a little bit time to read the post and leave on comment on the post. I guarantee that the owner of the blog that you have leave comment on his post, he will felt that he has been appreciated.

I can bet that you will felt like been appreciated if other blogger make comment on your post especially a good and nice comments. If a bad comment were given, that's alright. At least you can fix on your mistake of posting...

Below are other examples or ways to be a good blogger:

  1. If you want to leave a comment on other blogger's blog or website, you must ensure that you make a nice comment so that spam can be avoided.
  2. If you want to leave a comment so that the blogger can fix the mistake on the post, make sure that your comment is not cynical so that the comment will not categorized as spam.                                             
  3. When you want to make comment or leave message on chat box, you cannot make such a long message to avoid spam and give comfort  to other blogger. 
  4. Been a loyal follower. A follower must always follow on update made by the blog you had follow. This is one the way to be a loyal follower. I don't say that there is no loyal follower out there but nowadays, it is so difficult to find a loyal follower.It is up to you. Maybe some of you think that being a loyal follower is not important but I want to said, "to be a good blogger you must need this characteristic".
  5. When you want to leave message on the chat box, make sure that you don't make consecutive  comments like below :-

That's all for today...Thank you for reading.


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